Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Here's a little story.

Disclaimer: This purpose of this is similar to that of most of the trash you can find on daytime television. It's not necessarily entertaining, but it's good for the self esteem to hear about the misfortunes of others.

So, I have wanted to get this down in writing. But I wanted to do it somewhere that no one would ever read it. So I thought to myself "Where can i write to my hearts desire and not a live soul will ever see it?". The answer: a blog!!!
I am dedicating this to my only constant companion(s) over the years: Spam Bots
If it weren't for them, maybe there would be humans to talk to.

Anyway, I figure I'll start a little less than 4 years ago. I still lived here in Texas (where I am now) and all was well. I was still just a lame assed geek (not that I'm much better off now, but still better then). At least I still had a good paying job, friends, and things to do. But as it has happened time and time before, I was forced to move away. I considered staying here, (something I really should have considered more) but as I had done in the past a dozen times now, I followed my family to Pennsylvania. There I continued to deliver pizzas (hey, it paid well, not as well as it did in Texas, but better than nothing) and I was going to college. Spent most of my pathetic spare time on-line in chat rooms and watching [adult swim]. Not a bad way to go, [adult swim] is some damn good entertainment.
I sucked it up on the "Compass Test" entering college, since it had been nearly 3 years since I had used my brain, but once I was back in the class room it all came back to me and I aced all of it. This was when the real life changing shit kicked in. Some recruiters from the Walt Disney World College Program (damn mouthful) stopped by my school. They suckered me in with the glitz and glamour of being a Disney employee and what else could i do but go? Seemed like one of those once in a life time kind of things. Supposedly the internship would count towards college credits, but i defy you to find anyone who this worked out for.
Yeah, I know, there is a lot of pointless detail to this, just thank me there isn't as much as there could be. We're talking about 4 years here, this isn't a one paragraph kind of thing. Ungrateful bastards!
My program began January 19th of 2004, for the first time I pack all of my junk into my truck and headed out on my own. Driving down I-95 is real nice, especially with the ocean feel in the air. Would have been nice to have stayed near the ocean, damn I-4 had to take me to the middle of the damn state. Though Florida was nice, in fact if there was anywhere else I would like to live, it would be there. But, if I had never lived there to begin with, I would be far better off now. Much better. Well, this is going to take some time. I'm going to leave it off here before I start the program and pick it up the next time I am this incredibly bored again.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The Da Vinci Code is Great for Business

I thoroughly enjoy things that force people to (god forbid!) think. Not only that, but it gets people to talk. I was doing my usual water therapy, when somehow the topic found it's way to "how people handle Jehovah's Witnesses when they come to your door". It didn't take long for that subject line to find this weeks spectacle that everyone is up in arms about; The Da Vinci Code. There were two quotes from the better known actors of the movie (found below) that opened up the dark side of the Christians in the room.

Tom Hanks-

"I'm very happy to believe that Jesus was married," he said. "I know the Catholic Church has problems with gay people and I thought this would be absolute proof that Jesus was not gay."

News article found here.

Ian McKellen-

"Well, I've often thought the Bible should have a disclaimer in the front saying this is fiction. I mean, walking on water, it takes an act of faith. And I have faith in this movie. Not that it's true, not that it's factual, but that it's a jolly good story. And I think audiences are clever enough and bright enough to separate out fact and fiction, and discuss the thing after they've seen it."

Audio and Video of this interview can be found here.

So the other people in the conversation were ranting on about boycotting all of Tom Hank's movies and how Ian McKellen is just a "sick old fart". These quotes are their just opinions, they are both very good actors it doesn't mean that any of their other movies aren't worth seeing or that they are mentally ill.

Though I can't play innocent, I refuse to watch Mel Gibson. Though not because of "The Passion of the Christ", mostly because I think he is a whack job in general, and it didn't help my favor of him that he stared in "Signs". I believe that all of M. Night Shyamalan's movies are acts of terrorism. Not because of his race, but because his movies are god-awful.

Back to the topic. This movie is something we should all take advantage of. Everybody is already talking about it. Why not have yourselves some fun with this?;)

If you would like to debate this topic, go here.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Conversation with "Lady Unique"

Ok, this was originally posted at:
But MySpace is lame and couldn't handle it. So lets see if Blogger is any better.

So this is the short version of the story. There was much more to this, but those who suppress free expression thought it would be best to purge the reason and logic from their page. It is fun if you are into this crap. But if you have not the patients then just skip to where you are past all the scripture below. I know I did. The format is a little screwy but  wanted space for commentary and other glib remarks.  ----------From: Lady Unique---------- Date: May 19, 2006 12:02 PM  Some random Catholic woman read our discussion. She advised this  " To do his own research, and go into it with a fully open, unbiased heart and mind, to draw his own conclusions, I recommend the book, "The Case For Christ" by award-winning journalist and author Lee Strobel."  Check that book out if you can. Did you read even bits and pieces of Dusty's testimonial?   ----------End of message---------- Don't you just love the random Catholics? This post was in response to the research I have done as to the nonexistence of Jesus Christ. ----------From: Josh---------- Date: May 19, 2006 12:36 PM  I have taken a peak at his blog. I really do not have the attention span to read it. I barely get through 1/2 a page of reading at a time. Though I did see he is very confident in the impact of his story, as simply for the challenge value of it I might be amused. But for the most part I prefer like how we have been in the form of a conversation. Being talked to directly has a superior hold on my attention. If you'd like him to talk to me I'm game. But I will have a hard time with his blog.   ----------End of message---------- It doesn't help that I am lazy when unmotivated. Can you guess when I am motivated?:P ----------From: Lady Unique----------  Date: May 19, 2006 12:39 PM  LOL thanx for telling me. Amen  ----------End of message----------  ----------From: Josh---------- Date: May 19, 2006 2:23 PM  I know you would like to change the topic. But I am pretty sure you don't need me opening a new thread in your forum. What ever it would be, it would be less inconspicuous than the "hello all" title used previously. If you don't mind my asking, what was it that got to you so bad during our discussion?   ----------End of message---------- Now this was quote a sight. In the forum, for literally no good reason, every other message she would leave me was bitchy. She had a hard time understanding a lot it seemed. ----------From: Lady Unique----------  Date: May 19, 2006 2:25 PM  It wasn't our discussion in general it was just that I don't like running in circles on anything lol. I like a goal or destination. I like there to be an aim.   ----------End of message---------- What she meant to say here, was that she doesn't like to be told she is wrong than then have no way to prove she isn't. ----------From: Josh----------  Date: May 19, 2006 2:37 PM  There weren't many circles at the end. You were mostly asking questions about my fiance and our relationship. The world can't be so easy that everyone agrees with you. You need to have patients with me. I am not just someone who snapped one day and became Atheist for no reason. It was a long evolutionary process. I am a hard sale. If I were secretly looking to find the lord, I wouldn't find the way things have gone to be very encouraging. I also read the what the fellow posting to the rest of the group had to say. He really must not have read what I had to say. Like always, I am the villain. He seemed to have made that clear. But I accept that as my role. But like I have said, playing with me is no easy task. You will have to digg up some strength to bare with me.   ----------End of message---------- The whole last half of our discussion was actually just chit-chat. Yet she still would flame up at me. Can you see the hypothetical situation I posed above about coming to the lord? She couldn't wrap that around her head for the life of her. It was also very frustrating to have her peons talk shit about me when they either couldn't (read) or just didn't bother to read anything I had to say. Keep in mind everything I said in the forum was totally civil. ----------From: Lady Unique----------  LOL at the word "play."  Apparently he didn't read majority of our post. I'm shocked you didn't say anything which is good picture on you.  When you say dig up strength to bare me? Do you like being a burden to others?  The way things have gone you don't find things encouraging? What courage where you looking for to begin with? Please tell me. I thought you had no desire to believe.  ----------End of message---------- At this point I had pretty much left her precious forum alone. I was being a good boy and never said a sower thing to any of her sheep (look up what atheist mean by sheep, totally different meaning). Burdens are those who unintentionally cause hardship on others, I am just an asshole. ----------From: Josh----------  Date: May 19, 2006 4:31 PM   I was posing a hypothetical situation. I am pretty devout in my status as an Atheist. As for baring with me. I know I am tough to deal with... I don't see my self as a burden. More of a pain in the @$$.:P I figure I am just gonna play with those who engage me first for right now in this group. Besides I didn't think harassing that fellow would be as enjoyable as with you:P   ----------End of message----------  ----------From: Lady Unique----------  Date: May 19, 2006 9:03 PM  I still don't get you on what you meant about no encouragement in my group. LOL if you don't want to believe what is there to encourage?  Why did you have to be so rude the last note?   ----------End of message---------- She thought I was being rude every damn message.  Just wait for it. ----------From: Josh----------  Date: May 19, 2006 9:17 PM  Typed medium does no justice to my sense of humor. I was kinda hoping my little face with a tongue >> :P would convey that what I am saying is in jest. I also use the word harassment lightly. And it is true, I am a pain in the @$$. I am sorry I come off badly but my sarcasm and joking don't seem to translate well. As for the encouraging statement, I was saying, that IF I were secretly wanting to accept Christ, that the reception by most in your group was less than welcoming. In fact I am rather put off by how many vilified me with out ever reading my statements. I am fine with someone being mad at me for something I have said, but not just for who or what I am. Well, this has been a really complex day. I must turn in for the night. I finally go back to work tomorrow, after too many days off in a row. I shall return evening of the marrow.  ----------End of message---------- Her sheep would talk shit amongst each other but never anything directly to me. As if they didn't think I could see any of it. Knowing them they probably thought I couldn't. ----------From: Lady Unique----------  Date: May 19, 2006 9:21 PM  I think most of them should of saw how you opened up later in the post. But you have to also keep in mind that by the first post before I got to you know you, they assumed you were a jack @$$ lol.   ----------End of message---------- My very first post was entitled "Hello All" and the body said something to the effect; "Congratulations, your group has now been tainted. Compliments of your friendly neighborhood Atheist." In the regular forums Lady would ramble on about how "Christian only" her group was. That was just begging for it. You should have seen the reaction to just my one statement, it was like I killed their kitten or something. ----------From: Josh----------  Date: May 19, 2006 9:25 PM  That is a fair assumption. I am a jack @$$. But there are far worse things to be. Well, I seriosuly need to go to bed this time. ;) <<>:P  ----------End of message---------- Oh my! Not only was she not finished. But she had to drag my fiance into this. Damn, that just ain't right. I haven't made any disparaging remarks about her loved one's, yet.  How much I "didn't love god". Well, she is fully aware that I have no "love" for fictional deities. In fact, she and her whole family see my Atheism as an improvement over my former Christianity.  -Stay Tuned

Wednesday, March 22, 2006


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006


Add Image

Monday, February 06, 2006

digg - Submit Item

Dan Hertzfeldt's Academy-Award nominated short film, "Rejected", will not be seen on Adult Swim. We who watch it are dumfounded that such a relatively tame line such as "sweet Jesus!" would forfeit the film's right to air. Why do Cartoon Network's censors feel this is so innapropriate?

read more | digg story

Monday, December 26, 2005

Is it just me or are there not enough anti-army ads running on tv now a days?

Sunday, December 25, 2005

A Photoshopped Magazine Cover

This demo goes through all the steps and shows you before and after changes of a girl on the front of a magazine. Its amazing what you can do with photoshop. By the way this is not just the usual before and after pictures it shows you how things changed, how they did it, and what it naturally should look like

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Saturday, December 17, 2005

Founded On Porn, Wikipedia Shapes The Way You Think

A funny article that actually assumes we care where Wikipedia gets their funding. Not like they host kiddie porn or anything. I recieved this link from the fellow at after continued harassment of his mission. Too Funny!

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Free Porn Magic For You!

Need I say more?

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